
Go to the Source
If you or your teams are having difficulties that are costing you time and money, the creators of Symfony offer a full range of professional solutions and pre-packaged or custom-made services to get you or your teams up to speed.

Intelligent solutions to help your business soar!

Project Sizing and Planning

The Project Sizing and Planning workshop was specially designed to help businesses who have already chosen Symfony to determine the best, most pertinent integration and development scenario possible based on their existing structure. We will examine functional and technical needs, resources, available budget and deadlines.

If you are asking these questions:

  • How do I start properly with Symfony?
  • How do I limit risk to insure the success of my project?
  • How do I organize my project and my team to best manage our business needs and challenges?
  • How many resources and profiles do I need?
  • How do I divide my project to work within budget constraints and delays?

Then this offer is for you:

  • Overall view and breakdown of your project (macro roadmap)
  • Analysis of existing structure to determine a development plan and possible migration
  • Identification of primary risk factors and potential difficulties
  • Determination of necessary key profiles to insure project success
  • Initial estimation of project charge and delays

Walk away with:

  • Full brief meeting
  • Intermediate points and Q&A
  • Meeting for full restitution with our consultant for at least half a day
  • Accompaniment for delivery of synthesis report and recommendations

Concerned expert for SensioLabs :

Why choose SensioLabs?

  1. Symfony creator expertise
  2. Un-equaled mastery of the latest releases, functions, roadmap,
    security breaks
    , etc.
  3. Best certified worldwide resources for the framework
  4. Total access to the entire range of SensioLabs products - quality, security, performance, audit, etc.
  5. Most unique experience and knowledge on the market (architecture, scalability, deployment, methodology, migration)