The SymfonyLive Paris 2022: our feedback

In April, SymfonyLive Paris 2022 was back physically after an online conference last year. The reunion of the French-speaking Symfony community took place on April 7-8 in the gorgeous Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris. Here is our feedback on this amazing event.
Pre-Conference Training in Our Offices
This year, we were the Training Sponsor at SymfonyLive Paris 2022. As usual, Symfony organized workshops on the two days preceding the conference.
As a Training Sponsor, we hosted these training sessions in our new premises in Asnières-sur-Seine. The training sessions were held on April 5 and 6.
Here are the training topics offered:
Symfony 5/6: The Fast Track. This session, led by Nicolas Grekas, is based on the book “Symfony 5: The Fast Track” by Fabien Potencier. It teaches you how to build a Symfony application from A to Z, using new practices and components.
Mastering OOP & Design Patterns. Led by Grégoire Pineau, this workshop helps better understand all concepts to write more maintainable, robust, and testable object-oriented code. Also, techniques to reduce code complexity and make classes more specific and simple.
Profiling Your PHP Applications. Jérôme Vieilledent explained how to identify issues by learning best practices in profiling your applications, to be integrated into your development habits.
Building Modular and Interactive Applications with Symfony UX. Led by Titouan Galopain, this workshop introduced Symfony UX and the tools it relies on: Webpack Encore, Stimulus, Jest, and Testing Library.
API Development with API Platform. Kévin Dunglas, creator of API Platform, explained how to use and extend the most popular features of the component.
The Messenger, Workflow, Notifier, and HTTP Client Components. Adrien Lucas and Benjamin Zaslavsky delved into these four major Symfony components over two days. These training sessions are available in our training catalog with one component per half-day.
SensioLabs at SymfonyLive Paris 2022
As in every edition, SensioLabs was the Diamond Sponsor of SymfonyLive Paris 2022. After one year online, the conference was held physically again. We were able to meet in person and it was natural for us to support the return of this conference. As every year, SymfonyLive Paris 2022 took place in the beautiful setting of the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris.
This year again, several other sponsors showed ingenuity with great goodies and animations. They organized games like a wheel of fortune, virtual drawings to guess, and many more! The atmosphere in the two halls where participants came to eat was very friendly.
SymfonyLive Paris allowed us to finally meet all together. Our entire team attended the conference and could hear the latest news on Symfony. It was also an opportunity to share our common passion for Symfony in an atmosphere of reunions.
During breaks, we welcomed many participants at our booth. Our new goodies, delicious candies with the SensioLabs logo, were a big hit. Alongside the goodies, many animations were also offered:
A draw with numbers winning many prizes.
The Symfony tattoo challenge, where the person receiving the most likes on Twitter won a plush elePHPant.
The essential test of the SensioLabs University Platform with a voucher for the Certification or a plush as a reward.
Thank you for your enthusiasm and congratulations to the winners 👏
Always Fascinating Conferences
Over two days, we attended many technical conferences on Symfony and PHP. There were excellent speakers, including 3 from Sensiolabs.
As is now traditional, this edition was launched by the keynote of Fabien Potencier: “How did a bug in Symfony ExpressionLanguage lead to starting the work on Twig 4”. Fabien explained how the detection of a bug in ExpressionLanguage ultimately led him to launch Twig 4 and turn it into a Symfony component.
During the event, many other very varied conferences were presented to us. The range was broad, from technical topics to more societal conferences. For example:
“On the Front Line: Symfony and Open Source Serving Society” by Titouan Galopin. Titouan spoke to us about his platform, created with friends: This local, free, and open-source platform is based on Symfony. It was created following the school closures during the Covid period. On the Front Line allowed parents to continue working while their children were at home. Titouan explained to us that developers can have an impact on society by getting involved.
Or Marion Agé with “Permission Management in Symfony”. Marion spoke to us about security with Symfony. She explained the new features of the latest versions of the framework and the ways to manage authorizations and permissions.
You can find the other talks in replay on the event’s website.
3 SensioLabs Experts Were Speakers at SymfonyLive Paris 2022
Etienne Lebarillier presented: “Hexagonal Architecture, Enough Theory, Let’s Get Practical!” Etienne described how to integrate hexagonal architecture in Symfony. As well as the different ways to access a hexagon (Use Cases, CQRS), to persist entities (ORM, Memento). And finally which testing strategy to adopt with hexagonal architecture (Diamond Testing).
Laurent Voullemier: “An SSO with Keycloak and Symfony.” Laurent examined how SSO and the very popular IAM Keycloak (Identity and Access Management) integrate into a Symfony application to improve security standards.
Alexandre Daubois: “Unknown Symfony Components Worth a Look.” Even if some components are no longer secret to you, Alexandre presented others less known. They will help you save many hours of development and make life easier.
Find here the interviews of our 3 speakers at SymfonyLive Paris. They explain in more detail the choice of their subject and their experience.
In summary, we loved participating in this edition, it was an opportunity for SensioLabs to gather completely and meet you in person after a long time.
Congratulations to Symfony for organizing this great event. See you soon for SymfonyWorld Online Winter Edition on June 16-17 and for SymfonyCon 2022 in the magical setting of Disneyland Paris 🏰✨ on November 17 and 18.
See you soon 👏